Sunday, July 28, 2019

Healthy Snack Menu for Preschoolers Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Healthy Snack Menu for Preschoolers - Coursework Example The fat and sugar in this recipe is done right, thus it keeps energy levels up and gives the children more opportunities to get in all their nutritional needs. Two food groups that prepare this snack: These are; Fruits and bread. I would include 1 medium ripe banana, which is a rich source of vitamin B6, fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants and potassium, bananas also contain low sugar levels, which boost the blood sugars. Moreover ripe bananas are as rich in antioxidants that protect against cancer and heart disease. Zucchini Bread contains carbohydrates, which provide energy needed for daily activities,it also has vitamins and mineral salts: vitamin C aids in iron absorption and improves the immune system; potassium, calcium and phosphorous aid in bone development. Fine motor skill development. Fine motor activities teach hand-eye coordination.   These actions need a child to learn to specifically control the muscles in the hands.   Things like sifting together the ingredients, beating the eggs, oil, vanilla and sugar together, and stirring the zucchini until well combined all help build fine motor skills. Cognitive development. This includes cause and effect,  reasoning, as well as early math skills. Activities such as counting the ingredients, measuring the right amount and mixing the ingredient together, reading the recipe together before preparing the meal, baking the bread may be used to enhance cognitive development. Language development. This domain includes alphabets, phonemic awareness, oral, and written words.   Even though they may not read to understand, you can interpret the recipe together. Give instructions on how to combine the ingredients and assess their understanding. Social skills. Children are encouraged to be social.   Learning to play is a social skill, let some of the children play little chefs, this will be a great opportunity for those who like playing dress-up, allow them to put on a little chef’s

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