Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How Do Poems Use Language to Create Imaginary Worlds?

Poppies by bloody shame Oliver and A Martian Sends A Postcard central office by Craig Raine, with the hold of unconventional fables and extremely enlarge observation encourage us to look upon the nondescript in a mode that leads us to explore our throw human temperament. Unexpected radio links between a previously ordinary purpose and few liaison that at start-off seemed tot all(prenominal)y unrelated lav paint a picture of other context within which we send word better examine our own existence (Hirsch).This is present quite well in A Martian Sends A Postcard home base in tight either stanza, with the estrange viewpoint of everyday things guide to considerable eyeshot about the things we take for granted. The line, At darktime, when all the colours die is a oddly vivid bearing of describing day turning to night and implies the alien land must be either bright all the time or of another dimension where night and day have no core.Similarly, Poppies describ es a field of flowers in terms that chevvy the passage of life itself, with lines such as, Of course secret code stops the cold, black, curved stigma from hooking forrard of course, loss is the gr consume lesson describing night falling, the death of a flower as it wilts and the blade of a scythe, invoking images of the glum Reaper (Wu). All these observations are made as metaphors as opposed to similes, forcing the lector to consider to each one point as being the same thing as that which it is being compared to.In doing so, the reader is actually is manifold in surmising the meaning of the passage through the metaphor, in collaboration with the cause (Hirsch). This allows the reader to have a deeper connection with the work than merely taking in what the author is instalting across, in a counseling that encourages extensive internal processing of the ideas more than vindicatory a literal and factual description of the ideas the author wanted to portray may have.In Popp ies, when Oliver says, that light is an invitation to happiness the reader is invited to withdraw about not retri justory poppies in a field but their own life and how they have the opportunity to make the surmount of the life they lead before the curved blade of the night (Wu). In a slightly different vein, A Martian Sends A Postcard stem is suggesting that we pay closer attention to the world around us, a world in which Mist is when the thumb is tired of flight and rests its soft machine on he ground and likewise provokes feelings of nostalgia of when the reader was schoolgirlish and looked up at the clouds, the soft machines, for long periods, look at them in a new way (Williams 454). The poets also have an eye for incredible expatiate in the world around us that they use to paint a picture of a snap in layers, allowing the reader to form a lead dimensional picture of the scene in their well in vivid position.In Poppies, for example, the one field of poppies is ce ntre on in at almost every angle the way they sway in the wind, the way the shine, their yellow hair and rough and spongy gold leading to almost a baptism of flowers, rinse and washed in the river of earthly delight. This seeming feeler of wonder, joy, light and rebirth through the steady lotion of description after description of the one object (the field of poppies) give the reader pause to think on their own progression through life.With the periodic interjection about the darkness and the deep, blue night we are reminded that death is looming but it is the happiness we can create beforehand that is important, and we should pay attention to that detail (Wu). A Martian Sends A Postcard Home does not have, on the surface, as much of a singular message to communicate it presents us with a series of common-day objects perceived through an alien electron lens as completely new and how they would appear to a being with no frame of reference.However, it is precisely this alien fra me of reference that gives the reader a connection between their observations and their inner thoughts. Lines such as, Adults go to a punishment room with water and nothing to eat, though describing the base act of going to the bum in a humorous manner also can lead to reflection on the nature of punishment and our own frame of reference for all things around us which we observe when we dont quite understand their context.It encourages the reader to reach unanimity between our inner selves and the universe around them, which some argue is the entire function of poetry itself. both(prenominal) these poems utilize this detail to create a existent imaginary world for the reader to consider the ideas put forth within (Couch 12). In conclusion, when both metaphor and detail are brought unneurotic in this way, with the poetical language that is employed in the two pieces, a powerful representation of truth and harmony is communicated to the reader in a way that possibly the measuri ng prose form cannot.In this essay I have shown how the poets, by including the reader in the process of forming the ultimate meaning of what they are reading by the use of metaphor, together with painting their descriptions in great detail but in such a way that obscures split second recognition of what is being described, lead the reader to deeper thought about the issues raised and about their own humankind as it relates to the world around them. Works Cited Couch, Arthur Thomas.Poetry. red-hot York E. P. Dutton, 1914. Print. Hirsch, Edward. Metaphor A Poet is a Nightingale by Edward Hirsch . Poetry Foundation. N. p. , 23 Jan. 2006. Web. 7 Oct. 2012. . Williams, David G. Elizabeth Bishop and the Martian Poetry of Craig Raine and Christopher Reid. side of meat Studies A Journal of English Language and belles-lettres 78. 5 (1997) 451-458. Print. Wu, Alexis. Mary Olivers Poppies. alexiswupoetry. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Oct. 2012. .

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